Narcotics Vigilance Awareness Program
The Youth Red Cross council had organized a seminar on “Narcotics Vigilance Awareness Program” on 7 January 2019. Society has been experiencing an alarming increase of narcotics abuse among the youngsters in recent years. The event was organized to spread awareness about the ill effects of narcotics on the health of the youth in the institute as well as neighborhood. More than 70 participants had actively participated in the session.
An expert team of Kopari police station Thane was invited to share their personal experience and various cases related to the topic with the participant and to guide them regarding the same. Police Inspector Mr. Datta Gawade had discussed about how youngsters get attracted towards drugs, tobacco, ganja etc and then how do they spoil their life and career. Similar cases were discussed by Mr. K. A. Shirose (Narcotics department Thane).The seminar was very educative, informative, and interactive. It has created strong awareness against the narcotics. The session ended with the pledge “say no to drugs” and assurance to seek/recommend medical help as well as help from the nearest cyber upon knowing at the earliest possible.