Guest Lecture on “Design of Microwave Sensor for Bio Medical Application using MIC technology”

In the last few years, the world of engineering is undergoing tremendous changes and developments. To keep pace with the current trends and challenges in any discipline, one has to continuously upgrade his skills. The Guest Lecture on “Design of Microwave Sensor for BioMedical Application using MIC technology” under IETE provided a forum for discussing advancements and directions for innovative design methodology of Microwave sensors and related application areas using MIC technology.


Date of event: 18 September 2021

Speaker: Dr. Pramod K B Rangaiah, Researcher, with the Microwaves in Medical Engineering Group, Division of Solid-State Electronics, Department of Electrical Engineering Sciences, Ångström Laboratoriet, Uppsala Universitet, Sweden.

Target Audience: Faculties and Students of SE, TE, and BE