Excelssior Education Society's
K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & Research(NAAC Accredited with A Grade)
Excelssior Education Society's
K.C. College of Engineering & Management Studies & ResearchNAAC Accredited with A Grade
To imbibe educational environment towards creating professionals with effective managerial skills.
To impart human capabilities through research and education in industrial management.
To serve as managers capable of making good decisions and handling organizational and social response in life.
To inculcate students with ethically and morally strong minds.
PO1: Apply knowledge of management theories and practices to solve business problems
PO2: Foster Analytical and critical thinking abilities for data-based decision making
PO3: Ability to develop Value based Leadership ability
PO4: Ability to understand, analyze and communicate global, economic, legal, and ethical aspects of business
PO5: Ability to lead themselves and others in the achievement of organizational goals, contributing effectively to a team environment
A hearty welcome to the Department of Master In Management Studies at KCCEMSR College. The department strives to Impart knowledge and training of the highest standard. The objective of the department is to prepare students for a successful career in Industry, Research and Academics to meet the needs of growing technology. Business & education worldwide is going through a transformation as opportunities become global and companies' sources of employments are plenty across the globe. During study at the department, the students are encouraged to get hands-on experience in the corporate world through internship projects with reputed organizations. In their curriculum they are encouraged to take up mini projects to supplement theoretical knowledge with practical experience. They also undertake projects benefiting local industries or dealing with local problems. These projects enable them to understand the relevance of working in a group and also help them to realize the finer aspects and importance of teamwork. We also encourage students to organize events such as Rastvor, Initium & etc (Inter-collegiate Management festival), participate in management events organized by other colleges and also get involved in activities of social relevance. We, at K. C. COLLEGE OF Engineering & Management studies &Research, Thane, are proud to possess a highly qualified staff which is totally dedicated and is always striving to perceive and resolve students’ queries so that the overall personality of the student can be groomed in such a manner that they pass out as Industry Ready Professionals. Best Wishes Dr. Diya Udasi Head of The Department
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Some of our academic scholars are listed below...
Shubham Singh
Shamilee Shetty
Priya Darshani
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